The Opportunity

Algeria's pharmaceutical market is the second largest market in Africa. It has enjoyed a steady growth and is forecasted to continue to grow and develop in the foreseeable future. +12.6% to 2018.

GDP growth has been in the 4% range year over year and is forecasted to continue to enjoy this stable growth to 2018. The supply of medicines continues to rely heavily on imported medicine to satisfy the growing demand of the Algerian population.

With 38 Million inhabitants and a GDP of over US$ 200 Billion, Algeria invests heavily to grow and modernize its healthcare infrastructure. A broad and comprehensive social security system ensures access to medicine to the entire population. Healthcare expenditure has increased more than four folds over the last 10 years. Spending on healthcare despite rising to 5.2% of GDP over the last decade remains low and will most likely continue to grow.

Similarly to other growing emerging pharma markets like Brazil or Russia, Algeria's public policies have been geared to encourage and incentivize local manufacturing of medicine in order to reduce the countries dependency on foreign imports of drugs.

For global pharma and biotech companies' partnering with a high quality local partner is the best way to meet the market's growing demand and bring new drugs to market more quickly.